Criminal Waves Records 04 out now! free download

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il y a 14 ans 10 mois - il y a 14 ans 10 mois #40726 par Criminal Waves
Relaxing after the technoid bizness of the 3rd release, we present this 2 tracker with 2 new artists on the label.

Salaryman, French producer, is an active member of Totaal Rez Records, a French netlabel, they flood Lyon with quality events in the different venues of the city. You probably heard of him through his first album Future Form of Intelligence. He delivers for us, one of his darkest tune and we are pleased to welcome him onboard for our 1st techstep outing.
For the 2nd track, we signed Raddem, Czech producer and dj ,for his 1st release. Playing regularly in Czech Republic and Slovakia. He is definitely a producer to watch out this year.


Godkiller written, produced and engineered by SALARYMAN
Interlock written, produced and engineered by RADDEM

Preview and download available on Soundcloud
Dernière édition: il y a 14 ans 10 mois par Criminal Waves.

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